Although this post will come after her 7-8 week photos, it is a photo summary of her first 6 weeks. She's growing so fast that it's hard to keep up! The pictures start at about 6 weeks old and near the bottom are of her around 2 weeks old.
Here's one of her around 5 weeks old.

Although we have lots of pictures of Carla with family, and will get those posted later, this is one of my favorites of Carla looking out the window with John's Dad.

Happy Baby!

This is one of Nicole's favorite pictures. She calls it "Daddy's Big Hands." Carla is about 4 weeks old here. It shows just how little Carla is and paints a picture for the bigness of Jesus' almighty hands in which He holds the whole world, all matter, and His precious children together.

The happy family! Right after we took this picture Carla spit up and filled her diaper. We were on our way to church so, needless to say, we were a little late :) Babies have the best timing don't they?

The proud Papa:)

Carla has been a smiler from the beginning. Above is the photo we like to call her "Arrgghh Matey!" pose and below is the earliest picture we have of her so far - about 2 hours after her birth. It was a rough delivery so I don't look very good but Carla did great!

Below you can see that our little wildcat has a future at Kansas State University (so we hope) but here she's just taking a nap all decked out in her purple gear.