Tuesday, March 31, 2009


That's my latest, favorite word. It's my attempt at "Doggie". I love daubies. They are the best. Every morning I run to my favorite window and I call for them to come outside so that I can look at them. Mommy caught me on camera day performing my morning ritual. Some grown-ups like a cup of coffee and their newspaper; I like a cool cup of milk and my daubies.

A Trip to the Museum

When my grandpa was here I got to see some cool stuff at a place called a museum. I saw trains and houses and animals and even got to learn about how chocolate is made and its history. But, my favorite was running around the entryway to the museum which used to be a big train station.

Before we left, I had to make sure everything was put away...in the dishwasher.

This used to be the main train station for Omaha. 10,000 people came through a day but the only ones I wanted to see were the little people.

Sitting in the sun in my Montana State shirt. Go Bobcats!

Running is more fun than sitting.

Especially when I'm running to my Daddy!

After the Museum we went to the park where I got to swing and go down the slide!

Finally, after a big day full of fun, we ate pizza for dinner.

I was so hungry I wasn't even watching how much I was eating.

Then it caught up with me. I'm stuffed and ready for bed.

A Trip to the Zoo

Okay, so be mad at my parents, not me for it being almost a month since my last update. I mean, I'm still only 18 months old and I'm smart but it's not like I know how to type yet:) Here's some pictures of my trip to the Omaha Zoo with Mommy and Grandpa. My favorites were the fishies and the Tiger!

What I'm looking at:

Getting pushed around all day is great.
Looking at butterflies with Grandpa!

I think there's more butterflies on my hat then there are in this enclosure.

'Hey Mom, is Willie gonna get this big?'

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Coffee with Grammy

Grammy thought it would be a good idea one morning during her visit to offer me something wonderfully tasty called coffee. Now I see why Mommy drinks it so much! It tasted so sweet, that I wanted more. Of course, that could have had something to do with the six Equal packets (or "blues" as my Grammy calls them) that my Grammy put into her 6 ounce cup of coffee.

Slipping Through My Fingers

Okay Carla fans, here's your fix. Sorry it took so long to get a new post up. Last week Carla got a visit from Grammy. They had lots of fun together, as you'll see below, trying on hats, sipping "coffee" (see Post titled "Coffee with Grammy"), eating, dancing and watching Mama Mia. Any Abba fan who also has children can relate to the title of this post. Children (and grandchildren) just grow up too fast!

Carla just opened the bottom drawer of the oven one day and sat down; as if she thought to herself 'this looks like a good place to sit.' Of course, I had to tell her 'no' right after I snapped the picture.

Enjoying some raisins.

A pretty pink hat that Grammy bought Carla.

Watching, no wait, singing along to Mama Mia the morning Grammy left.

Carla smiles after tasting Grammy's 'coffee' (it's more equal and milk than actual coffee)