Well, it's been about two months now and Carla has finally gotten used to sleeping in a big girl bed. This almost two-year old is growing up fast! She still loves to smile, as you'll see from the pictures below. But, she's recently learned the art of watching Sesame Street from her cozy little pink rocking chair while sipping some cool water and enjoying a tasty snack of ... raisins. I know, the first armchair food that comes to mind but hey, we've got a growing girl here that we need to regulate. Enjoy the new pictures.

Look at all those teeth!

Kickin' back with some raisins.

Learning how to brush my teeth.

I still love to smile!

Reading one of my favorite books - "The Bee Book" (this by the way has prompted Carla when out in the back yard recently to go over to a colorful bush, ablaze with bees of all shapes and sizes, plop down, and start yelling "hi bees, hi bees" while waving frantically at them.

My uncles would be proud.