Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ten Month Triumphs

Well, I am ten months old. I keep telling Mommy that she needs to update my blog more often, (since I don't know how to type yet I have to rely on her to post for me) so that you can keep up on my developments. I am now crawling all over the place and am getting a little closer to catching the cat. I can eat bananas, bread and crackers all on my own. I can even pinch Mommy and Daddy with my fingers. I am standing all the time and have strung a few steps together as long as somone is holding my arms. Here's some pictures of what I've been up to the last few weeks.

I told Mommy to start with the video of me eating a cracker. I'm getting pretty good, don't you think?

Here I am in a patriotic dress for the Fourth of July. Don't I look cute? =)

Standing, which I do a lot of, and caged in which I don't like.

Do you like my hat?

Mommy's getting more out of the Budgee Encounter at the zoo than I am.

I told Mommy not to put this one in cause I'm not in it but she thought you might like to see a picture about some good swimmer named Michael Phelps. Mommy got to see him swim with her friend at the US Olympic Swim Trials when they were here in Omaha a few weeks ago.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really don't know how I got on this blog but my wife is enjoying it because she loves babies. We have one son (34) and it doesn't look like he is going to give us any grandchildren? We will keep hoping and "we" will pray that God the Father will take "Carla" and give her to His Son!!