Well, I am almost a year old and have been told that you all want to see new pictures of me, so here you go.
Me and Mommy sporting our KState.

I like smiling for the camera.

Learning how to splash on our family vacation in Minneapolis.

Mommy, Daddy, Isaac and I took a tour of the Wabasha Street Caves in St. Paul, Minnesota where they used to grow mushrooms and hold dinners for famous gangsters during the Depression. There was someone named John Dilinger and even someone named Babyface Nelson that used to eat there. I am not sure what their problem with Snoopy was but they sure hurt him bad!

Mommy and Daddy and Isaac and I watched KState throttle Montana State at a local sports bar. Sorry uncles :)

My first bath in the 'big girl tub'

Enjoying my first taste of blueberry pancakes