A few days ago, on November 10, 2008, my little brother Isaac Joseph was born. He weighed 2 pounds and was 12 inches long. Mom says he came early - at about 31 weeks along. He lived for 4 minutes. That's not a long time but my parents say it was a really special 4 minutes. He is a beautiful, special little brother and Mom and Dad say that now he is in heaven with Jesus. They tell me that he has a big head just like me and a full head of dark, black hair. Even though he was so little, he still had toenails, fingernails, and strong arms and legs, a perfect little nose, eyes and face. He is a precious gift from God and even though they miss him a lot, they keep telling me that they will see him again someday. I've been getting a lot of kisses and hugs and squeezes since Monday and that's been fun. It's nice to see that my Mom and Dad love us so much. They're crying a lot but I try to make them feel better with my smiles and my "frakenstein" walking around the house. Here are some pictures of Isaac.

1 comment:
Dearest GrandBig,
I am heartbroken for you and your family. I know it's been a long time since we've had the opportunity to catch up, but Big gave me the link to your blog and I've enjoyed keeping up w/ your little family. Carla is an absolute doll! So beautiful and full of life! I'm glad to see you and John are doing well in Nebraska. I'm so sorry about little Issac and I will make sure to add him to my prayers. You're right - he will teach us so much about God's love. I am sure that the pain of losing a child will not ease anytime soon, but I hope that knowing that He has a greater plan will make each day seem less horrific. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Love, Grandlittle
p.s. I didn't know how to send this privately, and didn't have your direct email. I understand if you want to delete it from being a public post. I just wanted you to have the msg and know I was thinking of you all.
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