This is Carla's mom writing. If I could create another blog, I would name it Willie's World. Like Carla's corner, it would chronicle his daily adventures in survival. Poor Willie. He has an admirer who's three times his weight and loves nothing more than to give him pancake hugs. He must feel like the water in a pool does when a swimmer hits it with a belly flop. But, I don't have the mental wherewith all to manage a third blog so, Willie's World will be a reoccurring thread within Carla's Corner as long as the good Lord leaves him here with us. I've tried to capture a bit of what a day in Willie's life is like now that Carla is a part of our family. To see more about that check out yesterday's post 'The Cat and I.'
Carla giving Willie a 'pancake hug.' I think part of the appeal is his squishiness. I think the 'glowing eyes' tell you how Willie feels about this maneuver.

In this video you can see where Willie spends most of his time - under the table. There are two reasons for that. First, the sun hits the carpet under the table with warm, bright beams all morning long. Second, Carla can't get at him quite as easily. Willie has grown a bit protective of his under the table space and attempts to ward off Carla. Unfortunately for Willie, she is not frightened by him in the least.