This Christmas was very special. Often, we asked ourselves if we could just put a bow on Carla's head and stick her under the tree. She is our best gift of all! Children and marriage are two of the best everyday blessings that God gives us that many people take for granted. Receiving Carla from Him has made us so grateful that He brought us together and then blessed us with this wonderful child. On the day that we celebrate Jesus coming to earth, living a perfect life and dying a perfect death in our place, for our sins, we are reminded that He came needy and humble, just like Carla. What an amazing thought as we care for her to realize that the King of all creation was born as a man so that He could redeem us who were locked in sin. Well, we hope you enjoy viewing these pictures of our little blessing as much as we enjoyed taking them.
Me with the present that will "drive the little boys crazy" according to Grandma Penfold.

Me, Daddy and our stockings. I'm more interested in the tree - how many of those presents are for me?

Me, Mommy and all my presents.

Me and Daddy opening one of my gifts. I like to grab the rings.

I'm sitting...sort of.

Unwrapping a present with Mommy.

Thank you Grandpa Schmoll for the great gifts! As soon as I am old enough, I will eat waffles and popcorn with Mommy and Daddy:)

Our nativity set.

All tuckered out.
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